Who are Max and Emerson?

Max and Emerson are  my 2 beautiful young children – Max is 2 and Emme will be 1 in November 2011.  (ask me if I’d ever have 2 under 2 again – wow!) I’m a stay at home mom with a wonderfully supportive husband, Bryan.  We recently sold our home, in which we survived a lengthy renovation – we decorated it knowing we’d like sell when we were finished.  We’ve just moved into a new home – a 1970s ranch that needs to be completely renovated…I tend to complain about our blue carpet and red countertops frequently.   I’ve never lived in a ranch or a house built within the past 50+ years…so I’m really looking forward to decorating and making the house perfect for our family.

 I’m also in the midst of starting a home furnishings business specializing in vintage, repurposed and upcycled furniture and accessories. Old barns, thrift shops, estate sales and auctions are the places where I love to spend my “free time.”  I was going to name it after my son, but I’m not sure he’d like that as he gets older.  As soon as I decide on a name, I’m planning to start a store on Etsy. 

I would love for you to join me as I navigate through the ups and downs of motherhood, renovating, and starting my dream business.  I promise I’ll share some fun projects and ideas with you along the way!

Thanks –


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